Why We’ll Have More Wellness Entrepreneurs In The Future

Lisa R., March 10, 2022

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These past few years have reshaped the way people view health and wellness. With its ever-changing form and constant restrictions, the recent pandemic has caused many to rethink certain life choices and focus on health more than before. According to Medium, the Health and Wellness market is expected to have an annual growth of 6% over the next six years, bringing in over $6 trillion in revenue by the end of 2025. 

So, if you’re thinking of becoming a wellness entrepreneur but are unsure of your decision due to the current state of the world, rest assured: you have chosen the right career path. We will unquestionably see an increase in self-employed wellness, fitness, and beauty professionals in the coming years. Now, that sounds all fine and well. But, even after reading this, you may ask yourself how one can know for sure that wellness entrepreneurs have a bright future ahead of them. And the answer is simple:

Why We’ll Have more Wellness Entrepreneurs In The Future

The field of wellness has switched its focus from treatment to prevention

We’ve all seen what can happen if we’re ill-prepared when it comes to our physical and emotional health. This is why more and more people choose to take are choosing to take charge of their minds and their bodies sooner, rather than later. And as a wellness entrepreneur, you can help them tackle certain mental or physical issues before they even start.

One important thing to keep in mind is that all wellness entrepreneurs play an important role here. Because addressing one’s health goes farther than just attending counseling, or taking yoga classes. Cosmetologists, for example, have the power to help a person dealing with depression or low self-esteem love the person they see in the mirror. Nutritionists, on the other hand, can help individuals tackle their diets, thus also improving their health. Not to mention, due to the recent pandemic and its restrictions, many have found themselves eating unhealthy foods, at irregular times, overeating, or barely eating at all. 

Regardless of the services you choose to offer, it’s safe to know that the world needs wellness entrepreneurs more and more, regardless of their area of expertise. 

How ‘wellness’ got to be in the spotlight

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic started, The US has seen a gradual growth in the wellness field. In a 2019 study entitled “How America Shops,” WSL found that 73% of the Americans they interviewed were taking active steps toward a healthy lifestyle, such as doing fitness or yoga, meditating, cutting down on junk food, and eating healthier. And this is because similar to the wellness field, Americans are switching from ‘sick care’ to ‘well care.’ Prevention is the new treatment, and the Covid-19 crisis has opened the eyes of many to the risks that an unhealthy lifestyle can bring to their physical and emotional health. It has also helped them realize that staying healthy brings benefits that far exceed that of a slender body. An overall healthier life means decreased risks of illness, more energy, and a stronger immune system. Not to mention, wherever the mind goes, the body follows. Mental and physical health go hand-in-hand, and by treating one, you are also addressing the other. 

Wellness Entrepreneurs are the Future

So, if you think this recent focus on wellness was solely influenced by the pandemic and will dwindle once this situation is over, rest assured: it will not. People need wellness entrepreneurs now just as much as they did in the past. Except, unlike in the past, more and more are becoming concerned about their health and taking preventative measures. Not to mention, the media has taken it in its hands to widely promote the benefits that wellness entrepreneurs bring to society.

Whether it’s bloggers writing about the advantages of yoga, social media influencers posting about the benefits of having a personal trainer at the gym, or news anchors interviewing nutritionists, the media is portraying wellness as the newest trend that everyone should follow. And their message is a clear one: Being healthy means being cool. As a professional in the wellness field, this means that you are categorically a badass. Not to mention, the recent infatuation with wellness means that you can safely start a career knowing that there is a bright future ahead for you in this field.

In the future there will be more wellness Entrepreneur

The market keeps growing

Everyone wants to start a career in an industry with a bright future ahead. As it turns out, the road is paved with gold for entrepreneurs in the wellness industry. In 2020 alone, sales of natural products have capped $189 billion, and this number is only expected to grow. In addition, in the last few years, we’ve all seen a focus on self-examination followed by self-improvement. But what does this mean, exactly? Well, for starters, wellness entrepreneurs have seen an increase in the number of people who attend their in-person classes, watch their tutorials, or follow them on social media in the last few years. In addition, with mental and health issues on the rise, Americans have started seeking the services of wellness entrepreneurs that can make health and fitness more accessible. 

Ever since the recent pandemic, more and more people have sought out virtual health and fitness services. Yoga teachers, for example, can reach a greater audience and gain new clients through Zoom classes directly from their homes. This transition from solely in-person courses to online ones has helped the wellness market grow exponentially and made things easier for entrepreneurs and their clients. 

Significant advancements in the field

In the past decade, there’s been an increased interest in lifestyle choices amongst the American population. But, the concept of wellness did not only pique the interest of everyday people. Numerous self-employed entrepreneurs have changed their tactics to provide services designed to tackle (or prevent) physical and mental health issues at a lower cost and from the comfort of their homes. Nutritional supplementation, remote healthcare services, and innovative fitness resources have been implemented to offer everyday working people a chance at a healthy lifestyle without breaking the bank or putting in time that they may not have. 

While these changes started and became popular before the pandemic, it’s safe to say that the Covid-19 situation categorically redefined this area, creating a niche that allows people to receive healthy foods or supplements delivered straight to their doors and participate in fitness classes without leaving their homes. 

How technology has helped

If you were born before the mid-1990s, you probably remember the pre-internet days, when people got their information from television, print publications, or word of mouth. You probably also witnessed landlines turning into cellphones and newspapers turning into online publications. And it’s safe to say that the change between the way things used to work and the way they work now is a great one. 

The rise of modern technology and the internet has empowered people by providing them with more access to information than ever before. So, whereas before, one might have relied solely on the word of their doctor, these days, anyone can go online and research the issues they’re dealing with or start conversations with others who have dealt with the same problems. As a result, the internet has allowed them to make more informed decisions about their physical and mental health and choose from a wider variety of professionals and treatments.

For wellness entrepreneurs, this transition has opened new doors. Many professionals have used online platforms to spread the word about their business, get in touch with new and existing clients, and promote their services, either through posts on social media or Youtube videos showing their skills in the field. So, if you plan on becoming a self-employed wellness professional, don’t be afraid to use modern technology in your favor and capitalize on current trends and needs to carve out your place in the market.

All the reasons we will have more wellness entrepreneurs  in the future

Digital is here to stay

Becoming a successful wellness entrepreneur was a complicated task not too long ago. You’d have to rely on newspaper ads, flyers, and word of mouth to get people to know about your business. And even then, you had no confirmation that many would be interested. After all, if you don’t understand the benefits that a yoga instructor or nutritionist can bring to your life, you’re not willing to pay for those services, right? Thankfully, things have evolved into the digital realm. And digital is here to stay

Having the powers of the internet on their side, wellness entrepreneurs can now spread the word about their services more efficiently and reach greater audiences. Not only that, but they can offer advice and even classes entirely remotely, without ever having to leave their homes. And we’re all adults here. We all have busy lives. If there’s an option where we don’t have to leave our homes to attend classes or do our jobs, it’s safe to say many of us would prefer going down that route. 

The wellness field is constantly changing. However, the need for wellness entrepreneurs is not. And that’s where you come in, teaching, offering advice, and helping clients reach their goals with a bit of help from modern technology.  


It’s no doubt that technology can benefit wellness entrepreneurs greatly and turn this into a career with a bright future ahead. But, sometimes, figuring out the -ins and -outs of running a business can be headache-inducing. Some taxes need to be filed, scheduling that needs to be done, and client payments that need to be collected. It can be a lot to figure out on your own. But here’s the good part – you don’t have to. 

Persona was designed specifically for you and other business owners like yourself. Easily downloadable on both IoS and Android, Persona can help with payment collection, client scheduling, and expense management while helping you save money in the process. The platform does your taxes for you, tracks your deductible expenses, and provides you with a personalized online store from which clients can buy your services without having to go through you. And the best part is that Persona is 100% free. At no point will you have to pay any monthly or overdraft fees, and you’ll have no minimum balance requirements. 

Persona is the #1 management platform for independent business owners. it's 100% free, download it now.


Persona is the #1 management platform for independent business owners. Download it now, it's 100% free.

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