How to Get More Yoga Students

Madilyn W., December 23, 2021

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Exercise is one of the most important things needed in a person’s life. This can be done in different methods and by people of various levels of experience. A person can be wanting to explore each kind of exercise, or a person could own a business of a specific form.

Becoming a Certified Yoga Instructor can be an incredibly gratifying career option. It allows you to balance what you love while earning a living and helping others lead healthier balanced lives. The answer to the question how to become a yoga instructor can be either “short” or “quite a while”, depending upon how one adjusts with current schedules and obligations.

Yoga is one of the longest-running forms of exercise. According to The Good Body, yoga has been around for 50,000 years. It has grown over 50% over the last four years. The Good Body reports that 36 million people in the United States and 15% of Americans practice yoga in the past six months. Around 300 million people in the entire world.

More Yoga Clients? Anyone Can Do It.

All of these yoga studios need to promote their businesses somehow. Where is the best way to start? How does a yoga business get more private clients? What is the best way to attract clients to their yoga training business? These are all questions business leaders need to ask themselves.

Sharing Facts, Making Relationships, Share Benefits

The best way to first promote a business and get yoga more clients as a yoga teacher is to share the facts. This includes both facts about the concept and facts about the business. Such as how to start a personal training business, information about the owners, or why the business exists. These things are important to know and share with clients, both current and future ones.

Sharing facts about the owners and instructors can help build a close relationship with the clients. Creating close and personal relationships with clients will improve a business because people want to feel accepted and appreciated when they become involved with something, especially a business. People want to feel like they are spending their time and money at a good place that cares for their clients. 

Another way businesses can make sure they show their care and appreciation to their clients is by sharing the benefits of taking part in that business. In this case, it would be yoga. 

How Can Physical Benefits of Yoga Attract Students

Yoga has many benefits of different kinds. The largest benefit of yoga is health improvements. These health benefits can be physical as well as mental. The more yoga is practiced, the more benefits appear and the better they feel. When a person finds what is best for them, the better they will feel.

John Hopkins Medicine reports the main benefits of yoga are strength, balance, and flexibility. John Hopkins states that “slow movements and deep breathing increase blood flow and warm up muscles while holding a pose can build strength.”

Different kinds of yoga target different areas of pain and have benefits. Different poses help these benefits and areas of pain as well. John Hopkins Medicine discusses specific poses for benefits.

Other physical benefits can include back pain relief, ease of arthritis symptoms, and better heart health. It can also relax a person, which can promote better sleep health. More mental health benefits include brighter moods that allow a person to have more energy. Yoga helps a person manage their stress easier and promotes better self-care.

The Good Body also provided some physical benefits. They say that it is possible to work every muscle in a person’s body. It can also boost a person’s immune system. This is done by “molecular changes that encourage the circulation of immune cells.” It can also improve productivity in a workplace. Workplaces hold in-work yoga, and people will have fewer sick calls in days.

More Yoga Student – Leverage Mental Benefits of Yoga

The Good Body reports more mental benefits of yoga, such as 86% of yogis and yoginis (combined yoga practitioners) say they have a strong sense of mental clarity. Yoga greatly reduces the symptoms of depression and anxiety through specific forms and poses. 

Yoga also reduces the onset of Alzheimer’s, especially when combined with meditation. This happens to be another great way to spread the word about your Yoga practice specifically, which can assist with these ailments. As an aside, Yoga also improves the cognitive functions of people with schizophrenia. It is also possible to treat symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, commonly known as OCD. 

Knowing these facts and benefits is an excellent way to attract more clients to a yoga training business. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States with 40 million adults. Using this fact, it is possible to attract more business with classes that target ways to improve these symptoms and mental illnesses.

According to The Good Body, some health issues can benefit from yoga. People with diabetes can help control their condition with regularly practiced yoga. 

Knowing all these benefits, and whatever new ones appear after continued research and personal experience, can help attract more clients for yoga training businesses.

As mentioned in the last few paragraphs, many mental and health benefits come from practicing yoga. Creating classes that have poses specifically for each and maybe all of these on special nights will attract more clients.

Creating classes that aim at specific mental and health improvements can bring in bigger classes for the same reasons. It will be easier to group up poses and try out new ones without worrying about the varying experience.

A step in creating these special nights is to spread the word. It is a need for any yoga training business. It is a way to attract more business and can be done in many forms. 

Making Connections

The website BeYogi has provided a handful of different ways to attract more clients. Their ideas will be explained and built on in the next couple of paragraphs. 

As mentioned many times in this article, spreading the word about the yoga training business is the number one way to attract more clients. It is important to put the word out there and let people know there is a new business, improvement, or special event. Whatever reason a business wants to attract more clients, it needs to be spread around.

One way to do this is going out to community events. By going out to other people’s events, a person is interested in their community and wants to help people around them as well as care about them. It makes a better chance for people to go about their business, even to check it out. 

Going out to community events can bring up possibilities of partnership events. Forming partnerships can make long extending agreements to promote businesses to new people they meet or find people who have an interest.

One specific community connection of partnership groups is other health and wellness professions. Something that would partner up well is a massage therapist or acupuncture. This way after stretching a person’s body out with yoga, they have something they go to for recovery and help their body relax easier.

Creating an Online Presence

Another website called Yoga Theory has more ways to attract more clients for a yoga training business. Their number one idea to attract clients is to spread the word online. It can be relatively easy and reach a far greater audience. It may not always attract private clients for the yoga business intended, but it could inspire people to join yoga close to them if they are far away.

The first thing that would need to be done is to create a brand for the company. This is more than just coming up with a name and idea, Yoga Theory states, “think about the value you are bringing to people and why people will come to you over someone else? Build a brand around that, and do not undervalue yourself or your brand.” Make sure that everything flows together and stands out from others.

After the brand is established, the next step is creating a permanent online presence. This is done in the form of a website. The website will have information, such as facts about the company, including location and contact information, benefits of yoga, and special events, such as sessions aimed for mental and or health reasons, or partnerships with other businesses. Be sure to add the times for each of the special events.

Another online presence that attracts more clients is social media. There are many forms and ways to do this. Popular social media include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Try to be consistent and make the username, all the same, the best way to do this is to use the business name.


It is possible to connect with people online and form personal connections that are created in person. This is called networking and happens for a multitude of reasons. It will help businesses connect with others, find supporters, and the most sought-after reason, to attract more clients for a yoga training business.

Finding new clients for a yoga training business is a taunting and scary task. But it is possible, and hopefully, this article was able to give some ideas and a way to guide the process. If you’re looking for a platform to manage all your business and financial expenditures, Persona is a great choice to grow your yoga business.

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Persona is the #1 management platform for independent business owners. Download it now, it's 100% free.