How to Start a Meditation Business

Lauren W., January 1, 2022

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So, you’d like to learn how to start a meditation business. You have chosen your discipline, put in the hours, completed the training, and did all of your research. You have chosen a physical place where you will set up your studio, whether it is a rented-out space or your living room at home. Although it’s a new business, you have gotten to a point in your meditation journey where you have learned to accept the chatter in your head, letting it slip away in order to achieve optimal presence. Now, you are ready to share your practice with others and hope to spread mindfulness and good energy to your students.  

As an established meditation instructor, you understand that meditation is something that needs to be practiced consistently to become second nature. That being said, many of your students that come to your class will likely be at a beginner’s level and will need your help to get to this point. Before we start you off on your path to running a meditation business, we should note that sometimes those are confused with “regular” yoga businesses. If instead, you want to become a yoga instructor, go ahead and read that article.

A Successful meditation business starts with planning

It is also very likely that your class is the first time in your students’ day when they have been able to get a moment to themselves and be fully present. For some students, it may be the last chance that they will get to be fully present in their day. One question lingers: How can you make sure your new students get the most from your class while they have this moment? A lot of the information you would need there would coincide with questions personal trainers should ask their trainees.

As a meditation teacher with or without a meditation studio, One way to craft your class for new students is to think about the different meditation experiences that you enjoyed and the characteristics that made them stick out to you. Here are some tips guidelines that you can choose to follow to once you are an established meditation instructor teaching new students.

How to start a meditation business

Meditation practices – imperfection is okay

Good meditation teachers know is the last place where there should be any feelings of judgment. 

A common misconception about meditation is that your mind has to be completely blank in order to get the most out of it. The truth is, even seasoned meditation instructors know that this is not a realistic expectation.  Intrusive thoughts will come up no matter how many years you have practiced meditation. An important thing to teach your students is that having these thoughts are completely normal. Guide students to accept the fact that these thoughts are there.

Remind students to avoid labeling thoughts as good or bad. They are simply just thoughts. Accepting these thoughts, instead of fighting them, takes away their power over you, making it easier for you to gently push them away. Letting go of the idea of what is “right” or “perfect” is one of the first steps to mindfulness. 

Tell students to start small when practicing meditation on their own

Mindfulness is defined as the quality or state of being consciously aware of yourself and your surroundings. The journey to achieve mindfulness doesn’t end once you leave the studio.  Mindfulness, which can be achieved through meditation, is something that you can incorporate into your everyday life, at any time of day.  If you’re also teaching Yoga, mindfulness is also a great offering to use in order to grow your yoga business.

Mediation serves in a way that even if surrounded by chaos, you still have the internal peace you need to be present at the moment. This is why meditation instructors should encourage students to practice the skills that they learn from class on their own. 

One of the biggest mistakes that students make when meditating on their own is doing it for too long. Like any other habit to be built, meditation requires endurance. Some may think “what is so hard about sitting down and doing nothing for an hour?”.

Think about the time in our busy lives that consist of working, commuting, cooking, cleaning, etc. It’s not exactly easy to find time for yourself during the day. Recommend starting out with 5 minutes of meditation a day to avoid burnout.

The business structure of a meditation business

Just like business relationships – make the space comforting 

Here are some ways to make your space calm, comfortable, and inviting:

  • Burn incense. The smoke and fragrance released from incense sticks are said to be centering for many who practice meditation. Make sure to check in with your students to gauge whether this is an addition they would like to take advantage of. Some noses are more sensitive than others. 
  • Get Cozy. Provide blankets, cushions, etc.
  • Diffuse essential oils. Aromatherapy is heavily associated with treating stress and easing anxiety. See the note above about client preferences. 
  • Shhh! Tell students to turn off or silence their phones to avoid disruptions during class.

Check-in with every client before you start

It is very difficult to start meditating if you feel uncomfortable with your initial setup. Since students will be staying in the same position for an extended period of time, it is important to set your students up for success. Checking in with your students is a good way to ensure that each student is comfortable and at ease going into the practice. Depending on the size of your class, you may be able to personally check in with every student. If this option is available to you, do it! If you are teaching a larger class, call out to each individual row when you are almost ready to start.  This will hopefully give anyone the opportunity for anyone to speak up if they need more assistance in setting up.

Understand the difference between guiding and teaching 

It can be helpful to understand the distinction between “teaching” meditation and “guiding” meditation. Often, the phrases are used interchangeably. However, there are differences between the two.

Teaching meditation has to do with showing students correct posture and breathing techniques. For example, this can look like showing your students the process of breathing in for a count of 5, holding the breath, and then releasing the breath for a count of five. Teaching these techniques can help students build a strong foundation that they can use when they go through guided meditation. 

Guiding students through meditation is when you essentially act as a tour guide through the meditative process. During this process, you lead students to mindfulness and relaxation. An example of a technique that is associated with guided meditation is the body scan. The body scan allows students to bring their attention to sensations that feel from the crown of their head to the bottom of their feet.  Many meditation instructors also use guided meditation as an opportunity to incorporate storytelling.

Meditation training – be imaginative, creative, and interactive 

Setting a scene for new students, as well as giving them prompts throughout the meditation, are great techniques that meditation instructors can use. Here are some ways to make your practice dynamic and interactive.

Let students set personal intentions

Your new students will have different reasons for coming to your meditation class.  They will also have different goals for what they want to get out of the class. At the beginning of the class, ask students to think about these reasons and goals that will lead them through their practice.

This practice is described as setting an intention. An intention is a mantra that you live by. It guides the way you move through your world. Setting an intention is a great way to bring your thoughts back to the present moment if your mind begins to wander during meditation. 

While intentions can be goals for how you would like to live your life, they can also be thoughts of gratitude as well. It can be as simple as being thankful for the opportunity to give yourself the time and energy to work on your meditation practice. 

In short, an intention can really be any positive statement or thought that brings you back to the present. It is a constant that can be used to negate intrusive thoughts.

Meditation businesses are thriving

Incorporate elements from nature 

According to the popularly known meditation app Headspace,  listening to nature sounds promotes relaxation and mood improvement. It explains why the concept of “nature retreats” even exists. Unfortunately, in an increasingly industrialized world, our relationship with nature is lacking. Connecting with the core earthly elements can offer meditation students relief from the hustle and bustle of their increasingly urban lives.

As an instructor, there are infinite ways that you can do this. Whether it’s guiding them through an enchanted wooded forest or walking them along a secluded beach with the sounds of crashing waves, the addition of the elements provides comforting nostalgia of an environment constituting total presence.

Allow for a time of silence 

Whether it is at the beginning or the end of class, give the opportunity for students to be alone with their thoughts. After guiding your students to a point where they are fully present in their practice,  give them a moment to work on their own during the class to utilize the resources that you have provided to them. This will provide time for increased self-reflection and self-awareness. This tip is actually on the basis of other articles we’ve written – such as how to manage your time as a personal trainer.

You know that meditation is a great way for individuals to improve their mental and physical health.  After all, that is one of the reasons why you have chosen it as a career path! The short-term and long-term effects of meditation have been proven and celebrated for centuries, and continue to grow today. 

 We understand that in any business, least of all a meditation business or a meditation practice, dedicating time to your finances is imperative. We also know it is difficult to manage that on your own, as well as work on improving your craft. This is where Persona comes in. Persona is here to assist you with the financial side of your business while you can dedicate your time to the fundamentals of your wellness practice. 

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Persona is the #1 management platform for independent business owners. Download it now, it's 100% free.